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The individuals of the Co-Madres Artistas have been active in Northern California's arts and community action scene years before they formed their art group in 1992.

Individually, the Co-Madres Artistas (some professionally) created and pursued a formal art education since early adulthood. However, for most of them the most significant art recognition surfaced after they formed the "Co-Madres Artistas" group. The group was formed for an exhibit of Chicana art during the 1992 "Chicana Leadership Conference" held March 1992, in Sacramento.

Co-Madres Artistas in 1992

Names from left to right: Irma Lerma Barbosa, Carmel Castillo, Laura Llano, Simona Hernandez, Helen Villa, and Mariea de Socorro
(CMA Administrator, Lucy Montoya Rhodes, not pictured.)

Co-Madres Artistas &
Artistas del Valle

The Co-Madres Artistas have exhibited in several special and annual shows with (and as part of) Artistas de Valle.
Co-Madres Artistas began exhibiting as part of Artistas del Valle in the mid-1990s at the Allen Short Gallery in Stockton. This wonderful gallery closed in 1997. However, the Stockton artists and other community activists soon formed a downtown gallery/cultural center in Old Town Stockton.
Below is an historical photo taken at the newly-formed (1998) Mexican Heritage Center in Stockton, California.

Artistas del Valle

Artistas del Valle including several Co-Madres Artistas and other Sacramento artists.